How long do peptides last?

How Long Do Peptides Last? [Infographic]

Peptides, short chains of amino acids, are susceptible to various forms of degradation such as contamination, oxidation, and other destabilizing factors. This article delves into the best practices for peptide storage, providing a detailed guide to maximize their shelf life. Check out our peptide reconstitution calculator to help manage peptide solutions effectively.

Peptide Storage - Infographic

How long do peptides last? Infographic



Understanding Peptide Stability

Peptides come in various forms, and their stability is highly contingent on their storage conditions. Lyophilized (freeze-dried) peptides, for example, have different storage requirements compared to peptides in solution. The stability of these compounds is influenced by their susceptibility to environmental factors such as temperature, light, and humidity.

Short-Term Storage

For immediate use within days or weeks, storing peptides in a refrigerator at temperatures under 4°C (39°F) is generally sufficient. Lyophilized peptides are notably resilient and can remain stable at room temperature for several weeks. This makes them particularly versatile for short-term experiments where frequent access is required.

Long-Term Storage

For storage extending several months to years, freezing peptides is recommended. The optimal condition for long-term preservation is at -80°C (-112F), where they can maintain stability for extended periods. It is crucial to avoid frost-free freezers for storing peptides, as the temperature fluctuations during defrost cycles can lead to peptide degradation.

Repeated freeze-thaw cycles are detrimental to peptide integrity. Each cycle can increase the peptide’s susceptibility to degradation, which can compromise experimental results. To mitigate this, peptides should be aliquoted in small volumes, ensuring that only the amount needed for immediate use is thawed.

Special Considerations for Reconstituted Peptides

Once peptides are reconstituted, their stability can decrease significantly. Peptide solutions generally remain stable for up to 30 days when refrigerated at 4°C (39F). It’s advisable to use sterile buffers at a pH of 5-6 and to aliquot solutions to minimize exposure to freeze-thaw cycles. For long-term storage of solutions, freezing at -80°C (-112F) is optimal.

Practical Guide and Recommendations

To facilitate understanding, here’s a chart summarizing the storage guidelines for peptides:

State Condition Temperature Stability Duration
Lyophilized Short-term Room temperature 30-60 days
Refrigerator 1-2 years
Long-term Freezer (-18°C) 2-3 years
Freezer (-80°C) Indefinite
Reconstituted Short-term Refrigerator (4°C) Up to 30 days
Long-term Freezer (-80°C) Indefinite with care


How long do peptides last in powder form?

Lyophilized peptides stored at room temperature are stable for about 30-60 days without significant degradation. When refrigerated at under 4°C, their shelf life extends to 1-2 years, and they can last 2-3 years or indefinitely when frozen at -18°C and -80°C respectively.

How long do peptides last in the fridge?

Lyophilized peptides can be stored in the fridge for up to two years. For reconstituted peptides, the fridge can maintain their stability for about 30 days.

How long does reconstituted peptides last in the fridge?

Reconstituted peptides generally remain stable for up to 30 days when stored at 4°C, depending on the peptide's length and inherent instability factors.

How long do peptides last at room temperature?

Lyophilized peptides can last between 30-60 days at room temperature. However, once reconstituted, their stability drastically reduces, and they should be refrigerated or used promptly.

How long do peptides last once reconstituted?

Once peptides are mixed with a solvent, they should ideally be used within 30 days when stored in the refrigerator. For longer storage, freezing at -80°C is recommended, though care must be taken to avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.


Proper storage is essential for maintaining the stability and integrity of peptides. By following the guidelines provided and utilizing tools like a reconstitution calculator, researchers can effectively manage their peptide stocks, ensuring that their experimental results remain reliable and consistent. When planning to buy peptides, consider the storage requirements to maintain their efficacy over time.

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